Medicare Annual Election Period

Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP): What is the “Annual election period” or AEP?  This is the period of time when you can make certain changes to your Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans. When does it take place?  Annually, from October 15 – December 7. Your...

Parts of Medicare

  Simplifying the 4 parts of Medicare:   What are the 4 parts of Medicare?   Medicare can seem complicated at a first. If we break it down into 4 parts, it becomes clear what coverage is provided and what your options are.    Part A: Hospital...

Medicare Part D

Simplifying Medicare Part D: Medicare Part D Plans are Medicare regulated private insurance drug plans that lower your prescription costs. Once you enroll in a Medicare Part D Plan in your state, you’ll pay a set copay instead of the full cost of the prescription...

Medicare Enrollment Periods

Medicare Enrollment Periods Simplified What are Medicare Enrollment Periods? Simply, Medicare enrollment periods are times you can enroll in Medicare and Medicare plans. When put simply, it seems very straight forward. However, in practice, they can get very confused...

Employer Coverage and Medicare

Employer Coverage and Medicare If you are turning 65 soon or are already 65+ and are looking into what your options are for healthcare, odds are you may be covered under an employer group coverage. This raises quite a few scenarios and concerns as to how this will...